A green leaf is on a blue background with the words hot composting week.
18th - 24th September 2023
Hot Composting Week Homepage

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Do you have something to share?

We are all about sharing ideas that help people engage with composting and inspire them. We are not about making money; only genuinely helpful content will be considered. Our followers are our friends, and we respect them too much to push non-appropriate adverts on them.If you have a product or offering that will help us with our goal, please get in touch with us about advertising. We have many bespoke options available like:

- Social media posts to our followers
- Social media mentions in our posts
- Sponsored blog posts, with social media posts to our followers
- Have us review your product and write our review
- Place an advert on our website (New)

Finally, if you are after some content about composting that you would like to use in your material, we would be happy to work together. Please get in touch with us if you would like to discuss any of the above.